Unexpected Fuel Cost Planning
It is important to plan for filling up your moving truck over your long-distance move. You will want to plan your fuel stops for cheaper gas areas and pay attention to any holiday weekend fuel price jumps. This will save you a lot of money in the long run, filling up at the wrong location can end up costing you hundreds of dollars. You will also want to plan for driving your own vehicle to its new location. A fuel budget is an essential need during a long-distance move.
Unexpected Delay Planning
Unfortunately delays happen during moves. The weather and truck shortages often contribute to delays in long-distance moving. You will want to plan ahead, long before packing, which items you need as a necessity. It is often pack like you are going on vacation for a week giving your items a nice buffer. You can also plan ahead with cooking supplies. We suggest you pack at least a pan, pot, and spatula. This will help you save money, or you can budget to eat out for a variety of days and cook on other days.
Unexpected Emergency Planning
In today's society we rely heavily on electronic devices to get us to our next location. When you are planning your move, it will be important to get a battery-powered phone charger and to download maps on your mobile device in advance. You do not want to get stuck in an area you are not familiar with. Having AAA or OnStar on standby is a safe choice for having a flat tire or car emergency. For all minor car emergencies, it is also a great idea to have a first aid kit on hand.
Unexpected Damage Planning
Packing is an important part of packing; delicate items cannot take the beating normal items can in a move. It is important to select the right boxes and to properly pack each item with paper and bubble rolls. At O'Mara Moving and Storage we suggest using dish packing boxes for all dishes and glassware, as well as small delicate items.
If you are not sure how to properly pack your items for your residential move, call O'Mara Moving and Storage. Our moving and storage company would be happy to help you pack, minimizing your chance of damages over your long-distance move. It may also save you money in the long run from not having to buy new items. Call us today to get started on a free estimate.
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